Interested in volunteering? Please fill out the Volunteer Application. Contact InformationNameFirst Name *Last Name *Email *Cell phone *Emergency ContactContact Name *Phone *Volunteer OptionsSelect one or more committees you are interested in. We will make every attempt to match you with your interests. However, assignments are made based on volunteers needed by each Committee Chair so we cannot guarantee the assignment of your choice. Please be aware that the festival is a busy event and many volunteer assignments require walking, lifting and time spent outside. Where most neededAdopt an ArtistArtist BreakfastArtist DinnerArtist HospitalityArtist RegistrationChildren's TentEntertainmentInformation BoothJudges/Jury - SpotterLogisticsMerchandise BoothSpecial EventsSponsorshipsStreetsStudent Art ContestStudent Scholarship ApplicantI am a high school student volunteer applying for the Fairhope Arts and Crafts Scholarship. Volunteer guidelines and conditions *I wish to join the Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival Volunteer Team. I have read and understand the Volunteer guidelines and conditions. Signature *Your browser does not support the Signature fieldClearSubmit